Crysis Wars erhält Patch v1.1

Sebastian Pesdicek
37 Kommentare

Genau wie Far Cry 2 erhielt auch Crysis Wars, der offizielle Multiplayer-Nachfolger von Crysis, am vergangenen Mittwoch sein erstes Update. Der Patch liegt in der Version 1.1 vor und bringt neben ein paar kleineren Neuerungen nun eine 64-bit.exe sowie den Dedicated Server für Linux. Außerdem wurde die Online-Aktivierung entfernt.

Das Update ist 93,13 MB groß und kann automatisch über einen entsprechenden Eintrag des Spiels im Startmenü oder über Steam sowie manuell durch einen Download der Setup-Datei erfolgen. Der Patch soll folgende Punkte zum Inhalt haben:

  • Fixes
    • Fixed: Stand/Prone firing exploit by exaggerating spread of all weapons when transitioning from standing position to prone position
    • Fixed: Inconsistency between the HUD score and the score shown in the scoreboard
    • Fixed: Disconnection caused by cheat protection for levels saved by the map downloader
  • Improvements
    • Improved: Player icon, cross hair and round start messages visibility against bright backgrounds

      Crysis Wars - Verbesserungen Patch v1.1
  • Updates
    • Removal of online activation (ReleaseControl)
      With this patch the online activation has been removed due to some problems with it we encountered after the release of the game.
    • Support of Linux server
      The linux server that is part of the Patch 1.1 release allows server administrators to setup dedicated servers on a linux based operating system. The download of the dedicated linux server can be found here.
    • 64bit version
      Missing in the final version of Crysis Wars we are now able to release the 64bit Binaries. It is important to note that the 64bit binaries are not supporting the anti-cheat tool Punkbuster. If you own a 64bit system and you want to play with Punkbuster it is required to start the Crysis.exe that is located inside the Bin32 folder.
    • Vista Parental Control file
      Allows parents to control the access to the game on the Windows Vista operating systems.
Patch Notes
Computex 2024 (4.–7. Juni 2024): ComputerBase ist vor Ort!